Pro Bono Work

Valentine personally as well as the firm has been active in helping the community. Val was a volunteer board member of the Welfare Rights Centre (NSW) between 2016 to 2021. Further, the firm set up Covid-19 clinics to help struggling small businesses access Federal and State Government Stimulus.

Val has recently accepted a pro bono lawyer internship with Wotton & Kearney, a leading Australian law firm. The firm continues to provide pro bono assistance to small businesses in their fight back from covid, on a case by case basis.

We regularly help clients lodge complaints with the ATO and also seek ombudsman assistance to right wrongs.


  • This year, we negotiated a six figure employer super shortfall penalty to $nil.
  • We also helped many company directors obtain their ID number for themselves.
  • Valentine provided evidence as part of the public submission process on an anonymous basis as part of the Royal Commission on Robodebt in 2022.

Please call us if you need urgent help with dealing with the ATO, State Office of Revenue or the Government.