by Val Tse | Apr 1, 2019 | Income Tax, Investment, Rental Income
There are times when getting a valuation becomes necessary, especially to estimate the cost of transactions that are not arm’s-length or when no actual cash changes hands. A common example of this is in respect of property, and especially for transactions when a...
by Val Tse | Apr 1, 2019 | Deduction - Travel, Income Tax, Rental Income
The ATO recently highlighted significant non-compliance with the rules prohibiting taxpayers claiming travel expenses related to residential rental properties. Late last calendar year, the ATO revealed that it had identified 26,000 taxpayers who had incorrectly...
by Val Tse | Nov 5, 2018 | Income Tax, Rental Income
If you rent out part or all of your home, the rent money you receive is generally regarded as assessable income. This means: you must declare your rental income in your income tax return, and you can claim deductions for the associated expenses you may not be entitled...